- SQL vs. NoSQL: Which Is Better? – Description says it all really. http://t.co/zplE9hmn ->
- Creating Metro style apps that stand out from the crowd – Windows 8 app developer blog – Site Home – MSDN… http://t.co/ZWybarcg ->
- .NET Rocks! The State of Agile – And to finish off the mini-series, the state of agile panel discussion from… http://t.co/K7mTyBSm ->
- There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors. ->
Weekly Tweet Update 12-07-2012
- Prevent your Silverlight XAP file from caching in your browser. – Very useful if using Chrome to test… http://t.co/ScONkfSV ->
- Go Read Some Nora Ephron « Nerdist – Writer of screenplay such as When Harry Met Sally etc died. She also… http://t.co/Hfai0yQz ->
- HOW TO: Use SQLite in C# Metro style app – The update I spoke about… http://t.co/VdHi2U94 ->
- ConEmu – The Windows Terminal/Console/Prompt we've been waiting for? – Scott Hanselman http://t.co/ZmFyRP4k ->
Weekly Tweet Update 05-07-2012
- Using SQLite in a Metro style app – Introduction article on how to get SQLite up and running on Win8 Metro…. http://t.co/z2gtHjhC ->
- How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet – An in-depth look at the history (and downward spiral) of the… http://t.co/jV3UsGyT ->
- Petzold Book Blog – Alan Turing's Contribution – I’ve been meaning to get a copy of this book since it came… http://t.co/eBnsQMTs ->
- Top 10 Best Hardest Workout DVDs | http://t.co/79t197Dw – A quick google for ‘hardest workout dvd’ lead… http://t.co/fTdwKTyu ->
- Hyperreal art tricks the eye | Photo Gallery – Now this is some really impressive art. You could imagine… http://t.co/svYfO8ac ->
- I just ousted @kafant as the mayor of Bill Quay Farm on @foursquare! http://t.co/AEgQQUp2 ->
- 500 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns & More | Open Culture – Another one to add to… http://t.co/Ve9R8TgG ->
- Bill Gates Says Tablets Aren't Much Help In Education – Slashdot – Some people on Slashdot appear to have… http://t.co/RYzpeRxW ->
Weekly Tweet Update 28-06-2012
- Saxon-CE is 1.0 today – Cross browser compatible XSLT 2.0 processor written in javascript. Very interesting. http://t.co/rgBY3FEX ->
- I just ousted @funk_creative as the mayor of Copthorne Hotel on @foursquare! http://t.co/hV55vMkh ->
- Coding Horror: How to Talk to Human Beings – Interesting article – ordered the book, how just have about a… http://t.co/Ga9OrRvp ->
- Async in 4.5: Enabling Progress and Cancellation in Async APIs – .NET Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs -… http://t.co/cw4nv8TZ ->
- A Virus Named Tom | Misfits Attic – A fun looking game to try out if I get a moment (yeah right – with… http://t.co/d7VeKoPR ->
- I just ousted @dixon10 as the mayor of Saltwell Park on @foursquare! http://t.co/xy48P9da ->
Weekly Tweet Update 26-04-2012
- Video: Time lapsed video of a young girl growing up from 1 week to 12 years old. As if they don’t grow up… http://t.co/CBHBEuU7 ->
- Programming Windows 6th edition for $10 – Microsoft are going to be releasing Charles Petzold’s new book… http://t.co/UNiB0cwf ->
- Maker Space http://t.co/xzRXCXUo ->
Weekly Tweet Update 29-03-2012
- I just unlocked the "Trainspotter" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/1Wopg8ak ->
- Flickr style 'Justified' layout in JQuery #flickr #jquery http://t.co/1qa155iT ->
- Google Play? Why do I want this on my google toolbar? I don't have android! ->
Weekly Tweet Update 22-03-2012
- I just ousted Michael R. as the mayor of BT CTE on @foursquare! http://t.co/oolxXeV8 ->
- Newest version of #flickrnet available for #Silverlight #wpdev and normal #dotnet. Get via #nuget or download from codeplex ->
- I just unlocked the Level 2 "Mall Rat" badge on @foursquare! In it to win it! http://t.co/fugWiW4k ->
- My kung fu is the greatest! Remotely fixed a load balancer while everyone else stumped. I even told them how I fixed it – me nice :) ->
Weekly Tweet Update 16-02-2012
- I just ousted Andrew H. as the mayor of Joseph Swan School on @foursquare! http://t.co/hUioZM0z ->
- I just unlocked the “Mall Rat†badge on @foursquare! Time for a fancy pretzel. http://t.co/6M6sAH5k ->
- I just unlocked the "Swimmies" badge on @foursquare! Splish splash! http://t.co/ygOnKlcO ->
- I just unlocked the "Great Outdoors" badge on @foursquare! Freedom! http://t.co/twTgS4SL ->
Weekly Tweet Update 24-11-2011
- Thanks to @nebytes and @gillcleeren last night for an interesting talk. Sorry I had to leave early as I was enjoying #winrt. ->
- Cool #telerik stress toy. Ninja! http://t.co/lYph5z02 ->
- Off to @NEBytes. #winrt and #SharePoint in the cloud! ->
Nerdist Podcast – Matt Smith, Karen Gillian & Will Wheaton in one room!

Had a bit of a nerd overload yesterday when I came across this podcast recorded at the recent ComicCon in San Diago.
I’ve been a huge fan of Wil Wheaton for ages, and followed his blog and even bought one of his books. I’ve loved his small rolls in Big Bang Theory and Criminal Minds, not to mention that Stand By Me is one of my favourite films (probably behind Shawshank Redemption, Casablanca and The Princess Bride, but still top 10!).
And I’ve been a huge Doctor Who fan my entire life (Peter Davidson before you ask, although obviously David Tennant will go down in history as awesome).
So to have Wil, Matt and Karen in one room must have been awesome to see. A total geek out. Oh, and they had a Muppet Moffat!
Oh, and did you know that young Amy Pond was played by Karen Gillian’s cousin! So cool.[1]
Photos here on the BBC America web site:Â http://blogs.bbcamerica.com/anglophenia/2011/07/24/doctor-who-stars-matt-smith-karen-gillan-on-the-nerdist-live-photos/#32
[1] This would have been a footnote, but I don’t do footnotes so it’s not.