The “A day in the life of…” group has produced its final ‘poster’ for the March 2005 day in the life shoot. I am happy to say there a quite a few of mine in there. Hurray.
Check it out.
The “A day in the life of…” group has produced its final ‘poster’ for the March 2005 day in the life shoot. I am happy to say there a quite a few of mine in there. Hurray.
Check it out.
50 people see the beach
Originally uploaded by brevity.
This entire set of photos is amazing – its various photos overlapping each other, each which has the same tag. My personal favourites include “sunset”, “beach” and “shadow” – simply brilliant.
We’ve just had a few people release software which uses the Flickr.Net API Library – hurray!
If you have an application that uses the Flickr.Net API Library let me know and I’ll list it here. Need help with testing, need a new feature or any other feedback then let me know.
mikecpeck‘s application Flickr Papr that creates wallpaper collages of images on Flickr is live again.
Find it here:
Want to copy stuff from your windows clipboard straight to Flickr. Look no further that stevex‘s Clipr application.
Find it here:
Discuss it here:
Regularaly change your dekstop wallpaper to an image from Flickr using this .Net application. Unfortunately it currently requires the .Net Framework 2.0 beta – although a 1.1 version is in the pipeline.
Download and Discuss:
Update: Glimmr is a simple Flickr Uploader for the GNOME desktop. It uses the Flickr.Net together with Mono/C#! Amazing!
Finally – a new version.
My web hosting has been down for a while so I haven’t been bale to post for while.
New Feature:
Authorization: enter your email address and password to give access to private groups and images.
Contacts: display the last 50 (API limit I’m afraid) photos from your contact.
Description: display the title and user at the bottom of the screen for each image.
It shoudn’t crash when my web server goes down in the future (if anyone has been having that problem I apologise).
[Download File](/flickr/flickr-screensaver)
Update: Download latest version.
Finally got a new key so I’m releasing a new version of the screensaver.
Other than some cosmetic changes there are no major changes to this version (except the new API key).
After what seems like an age I’ve finally ‘finished’ updating the Flickr Screensaver.
Continue reading “Flickr Screensaver v3”
I’ve managed to get mentions all over the place this week.
Continue reading “Mentions all over the place…”
After feedback from Brian of randomseattle fame I’m releasing a second version of the Flickr screensaver.
Continue reading “Flickr Screensaver v2”
I’ve been uploading my photos of Nepal over at Flickr and browsing at some of the wonderful images over there, and I came across this wonderful concept. Using some facinating photos of doorbells of Florence, short pieces of fiction have been written (hence Flicktion).
Check it out.
The Prandial Post: September 2004 Archives
Continue reading “Flicktion”