- Prevent your Silverlight XAP file from caching in your browser. – Very useful if using Chrome to test… http://t.co/ScONkfSV ->
- Go Read Some Nora Ephron « Nerdist – Writer of screenplay such as When Harry Met Sally etc died. She also… http://t.co/Hfai0yQz ->
- HOW TO: Use SQLite in C# Metro style app – The update I spoke about… http://t.co/VdHi2U94 ->
- ConEmu – The Windows Terminal/Console/Prompt we've been waiting for? – Scott Hanselman http://t.co/ZmFyRP4k ->
Weekly Tweet Update 05-07-2012
- Using SQLite in a Metro style app – Introduction article on how to get SQLite up and running on Win8 Metro…. http://t.co/z2gtHjhC ->
- How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet – An in-depth look at the history (and downward spiral) of the… http://t.co/jV3UsGyT ->
- Petzold Book Blog – Alan Turing's Contribution – I’ve been meaning to get a copy of this book since it came… http://t.co/eBnsQMTs ->
- Top 10 Best Hardest Workout DVDs | http://t.co/79t197Dw – A quick google for ‘hardest workout dvd’ lead… http://t.co/fTdwKTyu ->
- Hyperreal art tricks the eye | Photo Gallery – Now this is some really impressive art. You could imagine… http://t.co/svYfO8ac ->
- I just ousted @kafant as the mayor of Bill Quay Farm on @foursquare! http://t.co/AEgQQUp2 ->
- 500 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns & More | Open Culture – Another one to add to… http://t.co/Ve9R8TgG ->
- Bill Gates Says Tablets Aren't Much Help In Education – Slashdot – Some people on Slashdot appear to have… http://t.co/RYzpeRxW ->
Weekly Tweet Update 28-06-2012
- Saxon-CE is 1.0 today – Cross browser compatible XSLT 2.0 processor written in javascript. Very interesting. http://t.co/rgBY3FEX ->
- I just ousted @funk_creative as the mayor of Copthorne Hotel on @foursquare! http://t.co/hV55vMkh ->
- Coding Horror: How to Talk to Human Beings – Interesting article – ordered the book, how just have about a… http://t.co/Ga9OrRvp ->
- Async in 4.5: Enabling Progress and Cancellation in Async APIs – .NET Blog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs -… http://t.co/cw4nv8TZ ->
- A Virus Named Tom | Misfits Attic – A fun looking game to try out if I get a moment (yeah right – with… http://t.co/d7VeKoPR ->
- I just ousted @dixon10 as the mayor of Saltwell Park on @foursquare! http://t.co/xy48P9da ->
Weekly Tweet Update 26-04-2012
- Video: Time lapsed video of a young girl growing up from 1 week to 12 years old. As if they don’t grow up… http://t.co/CBHBEuU7 ->
- Programming Windows 6th edition for $10 – Microsoft are going to be releasing Charles Petzold’s new book… http://t.co/UNiB0cwf ->
- Maker Space http://t.co/xzRXCXUo ->
Weekly Tweet Update 29-03-2012
- I just unlocked the "Trainspotter" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/1Wopg8ak ->
- Flickr style 'Justified' layout in JQuery #flickr #jquery http://t.co/1qa155iT ->
- Google Play? Why do I want this on my google toolbar? I don't have android! ->
Weekly Tweet Update 22-03-2012
- I just ousted Michael R. as the mayor of BT CTE on @foursquare! http://t.co/oolxXeV8 ->
- Newest version of #flickrnet available for #Silverlight #wpdev and normal #dotnet. Get via #nuget or download from codeplex ->
- I just unlocked the Level 2 "Mall Rat" badge on @foursquare! In it to win it! http://t.co/fugWiW4k ->
- My kung fu is the greatest! Remotely fixed a load balancer while everyone else stumped. I even told them how I fixed it – me nice :) ->
Weekly Tweet Update 16-02-2012
- I just ousted Andrew H. as the mayor of Joseph Swan School on @foursquare! http://t.co/hUioZM0z ->
- I just unlocked the “Mall Rat†badge on @foursquare! Time for a fancy pretzel. http://t.co/6M6sAH5k ->
- I just unlocked the "Swimmies" badge on @foursquare! Splish splash! http://t.co/ygOnKlcO ->
- I just unlocked the "Great Outdoors" badge on @foursquare! Freedom! http://t.co/twTgS4SL ->
Weekly Tweet Update 24-11-2011
- Thanks to @nebytes and @gillcleeren last night for an interesting talk. Sorry I had to leave early as I was enjoying #winrt. ->
- Cool #telerik stress toy. Ninja! http://t.co/lYph5z02 ->
- Off to @NEBytes. #winrt and #SharePoint in the cloud! ->
Weekly Tweet Update 14-07-2011
- I think today I'm going to be a Technologist. Sounds so cool. ->
- Have to RT: If the beckham's have named their daughter Coco does that mean David is Coco Pop's? Ta Phil ->
- Ask not what your duck can do for you, but what you can do for your duck! #replaceawordinafamousquotewithduck ->
- Any Windows Phone devs on Google+? #wp7dev #googleplus ->
Weekly Tweet Update 07-07-2011
- Ooh, more Flickr API stuff for me to look into. Haven't even got OAuth sorted yet! #flickrapi #flickr http://t.co/KI4Fzp2 ->
- My messin with Flickr and oauth today was very successful. #Flickrapi #oauth ->
- google plus down for anyone else? #googleplus ->
- Anyone else on Google+ – its a bit lonely at the moment… ->